Woman holding hands over wooden home with candle inside

The Dan Plowman real estate team wishes all of Durham Region a very happy 2023!

The start of a new year means new goals for a better you. While we don’t always stick to our New Year’s resolutions, we do (usually!) focus on something we’d like to improve on over the course of the year. But what about your home? 

This January, don’t forget fire safety! This is an often overlooked aspect when it comes to your property—and it’s incredibly important. Here are our fire safety tips to help you and your Durham Region family safe in 2023. 

The Right Equipment

Safety begins with having the right tools. 

Every home should have working smoke detectors, placed in every bedroom, in every hallway right outside a bedroom, and on every level. It is…

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Stunning sky high hi-rise in Durham Region

If you’re looking to live in the lap of luxury, surrounded by pure elegance in grand estates encompassed by stunning scenery in incredible cities, then Durham Region luxury condos are for you.

Step into a dazzlingly towering high-rise or many of the townhomes inspired condos available all over the Durham Region from Oshawa to Pickering, Ajax to Clarington, and more. 

The Durham Region Luxury Condo Lifestyle 

With luxury condos in the Durham Region comes luxury living. 

Imagine stepping into your opulent high-rise with newly built units featuring gorgeous kitchens with stainless steel appliances. 

With Durham Region luxury condos - you get the full experience with resort style amenities including outdoor BBQs, fitness facilities, office…

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New condo building in the Durham Region Ontario

One of the great things about Durham Region real estate is that you have so many types of properties to choose from. Condos are particularly popular in this area because they can be very affordable compared to single-family homes and similar properties in Toronto.

With so many condominiums to choose from in Pickering, Oshawa, and other Durham Region communities, it can be difficult to know which one is the best investment for you. Before jumping into a sale, these are some questions to ask when buying a condo.

What is the Condition of the Condo?

First and foremost you want to make sure that the condo you potentially purchase is in good condition and worth the asking price. Is the unit brand new or older? If it’s older, has the current owner…

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Because the 2500 square kilometre area of the Durham Region has such a rich and diverse landscape, there are many different property types for sale available here.

In communities like Brooklin and Courtice, there are many country homes for sale, and residential homes with plenty of space. Most of the cities, like Oshawa, Pickering, and Clarington, are situated beautifully along the shore of Lake Ontario. Waterfront homes for sale here offer the unique opportunity to live a beach lifestyle.

Many people choose to live in the Durham Region as a more affordable alternative than living in Toronto. There’s more space in these communities, it’s easily commutable, and home prices are typically lower here. This has made it a popular choice for all types…

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