369 Toynevale Rd, Pickering, Ontario
It looks like this home was snapped up by one excited buyer or was taken off the market. See below for other homes similar to this one and let us know how we can help you out!
369 Toynevale Rd Pickering is located in the neighbourhood of Rosebank. The community of Rosebank has 8 available properties. Rosebank makes up 2.10% of the 381 total properties listed in Pickering. Homes in Rosebank are listed for an average price of $2,314,225. That is 71.93% higher than the average asking price of $1,346,042 found across all Pickering properties for sale. If you would like to see other homes like 369 Toynevale Rd Pickering please reach out to us 403-879-4145. Properties like 369 Toynevale Rd can come and go quickly and it's a big reason why having a personalized strategy and search set up for you is key. Let us know how we can help so we don't miss out on 369 Toynevale Rd Pickering or another home like it in the future. Get directions to 369 Toynevale Rd Pickering.