48 Lovegrove Lane, Ajax, Ontario

48 Lovegrove Lane Ajax is located in the neighbourhood of Central. The community of Central has 75 available properties. Central makes up 41.21% of the 182 total properties listed in Ajax. Homes in Central are listed for an average price of $964,198. That is 25.15% lower than the average asking price of $1,288,105 found across all Ajax properties for sale. If you would like to see other homes like 48 Lovegrove Lane Ajax please reach out to us 403-879-4145. Properties like 48 Lovegrove Lane can come and go quickly and it's a big reason why having a personalized strategy and search set up for you is key. Let us know how we can help so we don't miss out on 48 Lovegrove Lane Ajax or another home like it in the future. Get directions to 48 Lovegrove Lane Ajax.

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353 Old Harwood Avenue


5 Beds 4.00 Baths 2,500 SqFt Residential Freehold E11920853 View Listing