Ah—the sun, the sand, and the surf; All what Durham Region is best known for! Sort of. As beautiful as this area is, sometimes you do need a short—or long—vacation.
But have you made all the necessary preparations? Before you get away from it all on a Parisian holiday or tropical beach escape, there are a few things you’ll want to do around your house to get ready. Here are some of our most valuable tips when it comes to protecting your home while on vacation.
Triple Check Your Windows And Doors
Those who live in Oshawa or the Durham Region know that the weather is finicky here. Snow, rain, hail, or extreme wind can all come at a moment’s notice.
Before you leave for your vacation, you’ll want to ensure that your windows and doors are shut tight and locked, and that all your alarms are set. You’ll also want to take some time to check whether there are any cracks or gusts of air, especially in the garage or basement—they’re often overlooked. Depending on the time of year, cracks in your windows or window panes could allow for bugs and other critters, or snow and rain to get into your home and wreak havoc while you’re away. Take the time to check—it’s worth it!
Take Care of Your Mail
If you’re leaving on a long vacation, you’ll want to ensure that your mail is either collected by someone, then held or forwarded to you, or paused for the time being. This step is so that you don’t miss any important or time-sensitive mail, such as bills or notices, while you are gone.
This is especially important if you live in a home (as opposed to a condo). Mail piling up in your mailbox or on your front porch indicates to passersby that you aren’t home—which puts you at risk for burglary. Take the time to notify a third party and/or the companies themselves that you will be away for a significant amount of time, for you and your home’s safety.
It’s Time To Tidy Up!
When you get back from a vacation, the last thing you’ll want to do is clean—especially when that entails getting rid of the food in your fridge that’s way past the expiration date.
Make sure to tidy up before you leave, not after. Take out the garbage and recycling, clear out any food items that might go bad while you are gone, and make sure that all of your faucets are shut tight. Little leaks from your tap can add up, and end up costing you a lot of money!
Ask A Neighbour Or Friend To Keep An Eye Out
If you find yourself worrying about things that could happen to your home while you’re gone, then ask a friend or trusted neighbour to check up every once in a while. Leave them a phone number or a way for them to contact you, should anything happen or if they should see anything suspicious.
For pet owners, you might also ask this person to look after your best friend while you’re gone—if this is something they wouldn’t mind doing! Or, if not, do make sure that your pet is well taken care of elsewhere. For the wellbeing of your pet and your home, do not leave them alone for extended periods of time.
If you’re buying or selling in the Durham Region area, you’ll need the experts on your side. Contact Dan Plowman and find your dream home today!
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